Rolex Founder - Hans Wellsdorf

Only a few people can be famous contemporary, while leading the times. And Hans Wilsdorf, founder of the far-sighted replica rolex founder, is one of them. This breakthrough time limit is very rare, fully embodies the unique characteristics of Wellsdorf and its brand. The outstanding and prolific innovator died in 1960, and he left countless precious heritage for the entire rolex replica watches industry, especially Rolex. Watches in the present generation can be described as very common, but in 1905, the situation is very different. With the changing times, our way of life and dress style has changed. At that time, only 24-year-old Hans Wellsdorf convinced that "watch in the country that loves sports has extraordinary potential [...] such as the United Kingdom," he determined to create a solid and reliable watch, And popular fashion pocket watch comparable, and the process is not easy. In the face of such a small case, the design must be perfect and perfect, he also pointed out: "watch in fact at the time has not been optimistic about the watchmakers around the world may be on the development of the watch are skeptical, and that this novelty Will [doomed] fail. \ unique With fearlessness and determination, Hans Wilsdorf to watch the popularity, and let Rolex became famous brand, more than 100 years has been to maintain a prominent position. In his many books written in his life, the perseverance of Hans Wilsdorf as early as 1914 a letter that: "We want to be the first ... ... and Rolex watches should also be As the only one and the best! "The goal is very clear. In fact, Hans Wellsdorf not only create people's watch itself, as well as its positioning, use and potential. In addition, he has been sticking to the eternal immortal value, the pursuit of extraordinary quality, watch the enthusiasm and excellent performance, so that Rolex to become the ultimate model of the ultimate tabulation. Today, this combination of perseverance, perseverance, vision and imagination of the spirit, are reflected in the Rolex manufacturing, research laboratories and departments, while fully affirmed the Welshdorf from the beginning to believe the idea : "No matter where, the original spirit and quality are [must] become our future slogan, each [Rolex] watch will certainly be the embodiment of excellence in quality. Watchmaking enthusiasm and the spirit of the times Hans Wilsdorf has a unique eye, fully grasp the pulse and pace of the times, in a very flexible way to deal with the current situation, and can predict the changing needs of consumers, so that brand and watch industry repeated precedent. From the timing certification, the world's first waterproof oyster-style watch, constant swing pendulum to professional watches are visible. Hans Wilsdorf wrote: "Rolex's thinking and action must always be different, which is our greatest advantage." This innovative entrepreneurial spirit extends to every possible field, from knowledge Property rights (as early as 1908 will create a loud and easy to remember the "Rolex" brand name, and focus on brand registration and protection work), avant-garde marketing, communication to the advertising spokesperson strategy, all this is the leading example of the times. Vision and value Hans Wilsdorf sticks to his traditional values, acting in the moment, and constantly imagining the future, creating a truly eternal brand, making the classic and contemporary elements cleverly combined. In addition, he also found the product of the enduring of the wonderful formula, and this is the magic of the Rolex brand source. Hans Wilsdorf still shows his former relentless spirit in his seventies: "I am seventy-five years old, but I am still enthusiastic about the watchmaking industry and often bring fresh ideas." " Bold and extraordinary beauty His advice, whether today or in the past, is no doubt exactly the same: "Go ahead, and courage and steadfastness."